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Han Li
All About Sandwich Restorations
What is a sandwich? When I first heard the term 'sandwich' in dental school, I was incredibly confused and hungry. At the end of the day,...
Guidelines for Crown Preparation
Since 1766, when extensive tooth structure was lost, crowns were a valid treatment option. The earliest crowns were made from seasoned...
Endodontic Examinations & Diagnoses
When it comes to treatment planning in endodontics, you will need to interview the patient, make diagnosis and discuss all the treatment opt
How does prophylaxis work?
Rinse the teeth well so that they are wet to prevent unnecessary friction and thus over heating the cup. Fill rubber cup at end of Green...
How should I brush my teeth?
Each brushing technique is designed to address specific oral health concerns, and the choice of the technique can depend on an...
Oral Hygiene Tests - SBI and API
Sulcus bleeding index (SBI) and approximate plaque index (API) are tested at every appointment. The results are used to reflect the...
Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease
Understanding the risk factors of periodontal disease greatly benefits dentists and patients. Modifiable risk factors are able to be...
Periodontal Charting
After PSR, if a score of 3 is given to two or more sextants, or if a score of 4 is given to a sextant, a full periodontal charting will...
Periodontal Screening & Records
In the 1996 World Workshop in Periodontics, PSR (Periodontal Screening and Recording) was developed. It is a quick and cheap test...
Staging and Grading Periodontitis
From a 2017 Workshop presented by the American Academy of Periodontology and European Federation of Periodontology, a universal...
Denture Construction Stages
Removable Dentures both partial and full dentures can be used to replace some or all missing teeth. Dentures can be made up of different...
What is Kennedy’s Classification?
Kennedy’s Classifications Kennedy’s Classification (1923) groups the patterns of partial edentulism. Partial edentulism is when some of...
Neurodegenerative Diseases
What are neurodegenerative diseases? In Alzheimer’s disease, there are signs of periodontal disease, denture stomatitis and caries....
Vaping & E-Cigarettes
What is vaping? Vapes are battery powered devices that heat liquids up into aersols that can be breathed in. Despite its negative effects...
Endocrine System Disorders
The endocrine system describes the system which makes the chemical messengers named hormones. Hypothalamus The hypothalamus has releasing...
Managing Older Patients
As medical advancements continue, more people are keeping their teeth for longer. Therefore, as dentists, we need to be able to manage...
Dental Restorative Materials
RESTORATIONS 1. Consider the need for therapeutic agent If the pulp or the dentinal tubules near the pulp are exposed to external stimuli...
OPG (OrthoPantomaGram)
Benefits of OPG Diagnose conditions affecting facial bones, teeth and adjacent anatomy (TMJ disorders, bone levels) orthodontics:...
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