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How does prophylaxis work?

  1. Rinse the teeth well so that they are wet to prevent unnecessary friction and thus over heating the cup.

  2. Fill rubber cup at end of Green Hand Piece- until its mostly full but not overflowing and level with the end of the cup.

  3. Buccal surfaces first; place in on tooth, distal, centre, mesially. Press and release as you do each surface for a minimum of 1 second.

  4. Ensure the cup goes maximum 0.5-1mm along gingival and slightly into sulcus.

  5. Then get the px to rinse their mouth. Seal lips and swish water around

  6. After swishing evacuate the water by asking patient to bite gently on slow speed suction that out (perform 3 times to ensure all removed and ask px if they feel any residual prophy paste)

  7. Floss patient to ensure no paste is remaining

  8. Wipe patient mouth and face with moist tissue to ensure no prophy paste on them before letting them leave.

Review questions on prophylaxis

What hand piece do you use to perform prophy? What is the setting?

Green (slow speed), 3000-5500 rpm

Why use prophylaxis?

Why do you rinse the mouth before performing prophylaxis?


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