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Managing Patients with Medical Conditions

Dental patients may have pre-exisiting medical conditions. To ensure quality dental care, dental health professionals need to take extra precaution. Here are some of the most common medical conditions listed in alphabetical order. Learn about them and the current management strategies!

Nervous System Disorders

Alzheimer's Disease


Alzheimer's Disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. The onset for Alzheimer's Disease is typically in a patient's 70s and 80s. Alzheimer's disease affects more women than men. This bias is usually due to women living to longer ages than men.

Oral Manifestations

  • As many patients with Alzheimer's disease are elderly and may be on other medications, this predisposes them to xerostomia.

Patient Management

  • Plan appointments early in the morning. Due to the Sundown Effect, patients may become more irritable and restless in the afternoon. Appointments should be kept as short as possible, particularly during the late stages of Alzheimer's Disease

  • Oral hygiene instructions should be tailored to the cognitive state of the patient. The caregiver team needs to be well-informed as well.

  • Consider equipment such as water flosser, Collis Curve toothbrush or electric toothbrush.

  • Consider salivary substitutes.

Parkinson's Disease







Bleeding Disorders


Heart Conditions

Cardiovascular Disorders

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Renal Disease

Renal Disease: The kidney is the filtration system of the human body and deteriorates with age and certain renal diseases. Medical Management: People with chronic renal disease will need regular dialysis while waiting for a kidney transplant. Oral consequences Greater bleeding tendency Hypertension Anaemia Drug intolerance Increased susceptibility to infections Presence of oral manifestation associated with the disease and its treatment Dental management - Consultation with the nephrologist - Platelet dysfunction and anaemia resulting in a bleeding tendency - Heparin anticoagulation is giving to patients having haemodialysis mean life of 4hrs. perform dental work on another day. - Some drugs must not be prescribed and need dose adjustment - A late of sign of CRD is renal osteodystrophy. Bone is weakened and more susceptible to fractures due to secondary hyperparathyroidism. Care is needed during dental extractures. - Immunosuppression may be required antibiotic prophylaxis prior to invasive dental treatment - DIGO of immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporin

Hepatic Failure



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