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Tooth Development

‍🔥 Deciduous Dentition Development ❤️‍🔥

🍼Deciduous dentition refers to the first set of teeth you acquire. Other names include baby teeth or milk teeth.

👼These milk teeth develop as early as 3 months old and erupt as early at 4 months.

👩‍🍼As teeth erupt, teething causes discomfort for breastfeeding mothers. The recommended breastfeeding period is 6 months, and up to one year after with complementary foods.

👼All 20 deciduous teeth complete root formation by age 3. This consists of two central incisors, two lateral incisors, two cuspids 🐶, two first molars and two second molars in both the maxilla and mandible.

🍼Unlike adult teeth, deciduous dentition is smaller and more bulbous. Their thinner enamel making them more prone to caries. 😥

💨As the jaw expands and grows, the child needs larger and stronger teeth. As a result, all deciduous milk teeth are shed by age 12.

‍🔥 Deciduous Dentition Developmental Ages ❤️‍🔥

📜 Permanent Dentition Development🌱

💗As the maxilla and mandible both expand, larger, stronger teeth are needed.

💞Permanent teeth refer to the second set of teeth which patients will keep for life. This consists of 28 teeth and/ or 4 wisdom teeth.

🦷 In both maxilla and mandible, permanent dentition consists of two central incisors, two lateral incisors, two canines, four premolars and four molar teeth, altogether making up 28 teeth. Unlike deciduous dentition, permanent dentition consists of the additional inclusion of four premolars. An adult may also have 4 wisdom teeth which may erupt.

🌰 Permanent teeth begin to calcify as early at 3 months.

👑 All permanent crowns form and enamel completes formation by 8 years old.

🌋 Teeth will begin to erupt as early as 6 years old. All 28 teeth erupt by the age of 13. It is important for children to brush their teeth from ages 6 to 13 years old. Poor oral hygiene and regular exposure during this period can easily lead to tooth loss.

💞All permanent teeth have fully formed roots by 16 years old.

💖Wisdom teeth, or third molars, finish root formation between 18 – 25 years old. They may erupt or stay inside the gums. Sometimes, upon eruption, wisdom teeth can cause discomfort and pain as they impact adjacent teeth.

📜 Permanent Dentition Development Ages 🌱


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